
February is Psychology Month

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February is Psychology Month

Hello and welcome to February. February is Psychology Month, and the PSA is very excited for the work we’re doing to bring students into the fold to learn more about psychology. From the Canadian Psychological Association website: “Psychology Month is celebrated every February to highlight the contributions of Canadian psychologists and to teach Canadians how psychology works to help people live happy and healthy lives”.

We are working to showcase the amazing work in psychology that is done right here at the University of Regina by hosting 3 professors and in our weekly Psych Lounge evenings!

Staring with a “Snack ‘n Chat” evening for Dr. Austen Smith’s presentation to students answering submitted questions and talking about his area of interests in Neuropsychology. Don’t forget to sign up so we can make sure you have plenty of things to munch on during the presentation.

In the middle of the month, we have a joint Research Reading Group + Psych Lounge crossover where we will read one of Dr. Gordon Pennycook’s recent pieces of research on the Cognitive Psychology behind belief and fake news in the Research Reading Group on the 10th of February, and then host him live in our Psych Lounge on the evening of the 11th!

Lastly, after the winter break, we’ll be back and will host Tansi Summerfield to discuss some of her work and experiences with Police & Public Safety Psychology and Forensic Psychology on the 22nd at 6pm!

For more information make sure you check the Psych Lounge page at lounge.ureginapsa.org — We can’t wait for you all to learn more about psychology and psychologists with us this month. Check our social media for more info!

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